Search Suzanne Crone

My Three Questions

The idea for My Three Questions dropped into my head while watching a body builder in my gym; I wondered about him. When I came up with the questions, I realized that it would be a great project to ask, not only some mighty Adonis raising iron discs skyward on arm day, but also random people across Canada doing whatever.  The result, I feel, will be a revealing description of the heart and spirit of the people of this country; an important snapshot during these days of shift and upheaval.

Are you in love?
Who has been the most influential person in your life?
How do you feel about the future?

Mary Lister– Uxbridge, Ontario

Mary Lister– Uxbridge, Ontario

I'm the youngest of nine girls, so yeah, she's been a pretty big inspiration.(Mother)

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Kirsty Allan – Uxbridge, Ontario

Kirsty Allan – Uxbridge, Ontario

We could all become better people...

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Soren Twist

Soren Twist

Shasta stopped having headaches; I might get lucky again!

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Janice Sommerville,   Uxbridge,   Ontario

Janice Sommerville, Uxbridge, Ontario

...hopefully, the pandemic will make people think before they do things.

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Jeff Dow-Holba – Northwinds Beach, Blue Mountains, Ontario

Jeff Dow-Holba – Northwinds Beach, Blue Mountains, Ontario

I'm hopeful that we can turn the tide and become much better ecologically, and socially, and–justice, etcetera: everything.

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Emma Wiggylesworth – Uxbridge, Ontario – #Climatestrikeweek

Emma Wiggylesworth – Uxbridge, Ontario – #Climatestrikeweek

I feel scared and concerned that no one else sees it as such a priority like I feel like I do.

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Dylan Bice – Uxbridge, Ontario – #Climatestrikeweek

Dylan Bice – Uxbridge, Ontario – #Climatestrikeweek


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Becca Kenyon – Uxbridge, Ontario, – #Climatestrikeweek

Becca Kenyon – Uxbridge, Ontario, – #Climatestrikeweek

Thinking about it makes me excited, but anxious.

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Allison Gorgichuk – Newmarket, Ontario – #Climatestrikeweek

Allison Gorgichuk – Newmarket, Ontario – #Climatestrikeweek

I'm concerned about the future–with all of the pollution and global warming.

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Claire Barrey-Junop – Newmarket, Ontario – #Climatestrikeweek

Claire Barrey-Junop – Newmarket, Ontario – #Climatestrikeweek

"If leaders do not take the climate crisis seriously, that will depress me a bit, but it’s a motivator right now for me to get out there and do something."

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A few words from the desk of Suzanne Crone

What the humans had to say...

  • …everything’s escalating so fast, and I think it needs to just go back a little ‘old school.’ Slow down a bit. Bring out recorders instead of phones. Hand-write. You know it’s amazing how many kids don’t know how to write cursive nowadays. They, you know like just small things in the long run will be big things. Like reading a clock. You know? They can’t read the clock with the hands. They have to read the digital ones. It’s very scary.
    - Edna Millard, Strathmore Alberta