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Displaying posts in Poetry

Eat Your Bananas

Eat Your Bananas

Posted in Poetry

Ask her about the likelihoods

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Green Light

Green Light

Posted in Poetry

mother, walk, bridge, void, life, God, laptop

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Letter to My Therapist, May 31, 22

Letter to My Therapist, May 31, 22

Posted in Poetry

The energy between us confounds itself.

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Posted in Poetry

If this recent slurry of challenge, and suffering, rib-cracking loneliness is fruitful, planting so much knowing, wisdom for harvest, then I am in.

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The Rake

The Rake

Posted in Poetry

There is something about the commitment to the rake that speaks volumes.

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Inevitable Zebra

Inevitable Zebra

Posted in Poetry

I suppose saying, "Forget about Michelangelo," is like saying, "Don't think of a zebra."

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Posted in Poetry

Let’s say, you love to watch pots of water come to a boil. I will get you a chair, So you won’t have to stand for eternity,

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The Eye

The Eye

Posted in Poetry

If he became a bowl of cherries, I would be, completely, lost.

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Painting the Hummingbird

Painting the Hummingbird

Posted in Poetry

Here's a paintbrush, now go find the hummingbird and give her a refresh. Then polish the eavestrough.

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Peeling an Orange

Peeling an Orange

Posted in Poetry

The sun is never late–rises and sets as we expect, As if it’s on our schedule.

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