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Kimbrlie Dianne Walker – Uxbridge, Ontario – #Climatestrikeweek

Kimbrlie Dianne Walker – Uxbridge, Ontario – #Climatestrikeweek

Kimbrlie Dianne Walker

September 25, 2019. I was walking around Uxbridge, putting up Climate Strike flyers when I ran into Kimbrlie and her friend near the library. She thought the idea of answering the questions would be fun. So? Here are her answers:

Are you in love?

"“Um, not at this time, no. I have a three year-old, so I guess that’s where my love is.” 

Who has been the most influential person in your life?

“My grandmother. She’s taught me everything that I know. She’s great. She helps me out, like, right now I wouldn’t be anywhere without her–that’s where I live and, yeah.”

How do you feel about the future?

“I’m very optimistic about the future. I’m hoping great things, but I’m also–there’s always that negative, right?”