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Style References Overview

Below are a variety of tools to assist you when styling web page content. Included are references to specific HTML elements and their default styling, image sizes related to the website grid, and a sample content page for your review.

CSS Guidelines

CSS Guidelines

An overview of every possible HTML element and its default styling. Includes typography, buttons, etc.

View Guidelines
Image Sizes

Image Sizes

A list of images and sizes related to the website grid. Includes sizes for both sidebar and full width page styles.

Full Width
Sample Page

Sample Page

A collection of varied sample content. Used to determine how elements appear and interact with one another.

View Sidebar Page
View Full Width Page
A few words from the desk of Suzanne Crone

What the humans had to say...

  • I see our human species, our fellow human being–growing, becoming more gentle, and I heard it expressed this way–that at an earlier time, it was sort of a ‘you–or-me’ kind of concept. So either I would get it, or you would get it. There wasn’t enough there for both of us to get it at the same time. And now, I’m able to see a ‘you–AND–me.’ And it just allows for a different kind of world. So there it is!
    - Ross Bulcock, Empress Alberta