Search Suzanne Crone

Adventures with Humans

Love of the World

Love of the World

Posted in Adventures With Humans

“Wilbur–this lovely world, these precious days…”

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Ursa Major

Ursa Major

Posted in Adventures With Humans

I think at that time, I had hope, faith that if I showed up and faced whatever needed to be faced, I could thrive.

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The Thing of It

The Thing of It

Posted in Adventures With Humans

Rigidness drives us to sequester in thought silos at our detriment and the detriment of the collective. Part of taking back our freedom is reclaiming our relationships with each other, to stretch out of the silo as if to feel the sun for a change.

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The Third Person in the Room

Posted in Adventures With Humans

The value of it, of being fully present in a conversation is clear to me, but it does take an intentional willingness, a commitment to be vulnerable.

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Shifting Despite Plans

Shifting Despite Plans

Posted in Adventures With Humans

Each time there occurred an event with some charge to it, I learned from it and grew

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Plastic Flowers

Plastic Flowers

Posted in Adventures With Humans

this is how writing helps to bring forth difficult knots into the light of day to be loosened with psyche’s teeth and my faith in the process.

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Please, Not That Song

Please, Not That Song

Posted in Adventures With Humans

If I can make even one person feel supported, like I’m speaking their language, then it’s all worth it; this is why I am on the planet.

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Posted in Adventures With Humans

as if we were to blame for having been around to have suffered it; our struggle, a dismissible inconvenience.

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Focaccia Fasting and Dialogue

Focaccia Fasting and Dialogue

Posted in Adventures With Humans

The moment when you might realize that the story does not serve you and you can free yourself from it, then you are awake not only to yourself, but to the broader loving universe, to what matters.

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The Open Window Between Us

The Open Window Between Us

Posted in Adventures With Humans

it is as if the pure energy of your conversation completes a circuit that helps to power the world, as if God needed a thought to be worked through, to be spoken out loud.

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